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Woww! I can lose weight! Essential tools for a lifestyle of wellness. The wellness traction. By Pia Fitzgerald.

Get the tools you need for a

Lifestyle Of Wellness


 What women are saying about Woww!Factor

I appreciate the WOWW!Factor teaching this morning, Pia.  You asked us to stop and think about some agreements we have made.  I took your advice, got quiet and BOOM… it HIT me!  I have always said I don’t like cooking, and this is how I let myself off the hook with meal planning.  (After reflecting) I realized this thought came from my childhood.
— Sally
Two things I’m celebrating as I achieve my WOWW!Factor: Changing my palate and trying new things
Prepping food ahead of time and (reducing stress)
— Lola
I just watched the WOWW!Factor teaching for this week.  Did you see it?  I like the slide ‘Want to be fit and truly live a wellness lifestyle? Stop acting overweight and burdened with life and START acting like you are fit and in shape. START believing and acting like you matter because you do!’  This is my goals for now and forever. Yea Baby! WOWW!I CAN Lose Weight!
— Kai

The Companion Guide


Have you ever wished you could be fit and healthy while remaining overworked and over-scheduled?

If so, my book WOWW! I CAN Lose Weight AND the WOWW! I CAN Lose Weight Companion Guide are must-haves to finally lose the weight you desire and bring  balance into your life.

This book is designed to give additional support  to help work through the WOWW!Factor Power Tools of Wellness presented in the main text.  Achieving your WOWW!Factor is not easy but CAN be done.  Deciding to WORK ON your WELLNESS WISH is an endeavor that will bless the rest of your life.

The WOWW! I CAN Lose Weight Companion Guide can be used by both individuals or groups, but it will be more powerful and effective for you to travel this journey with at least another person.  It’s been proven over and over that success comes from a village and not from a solo act.  With this in mind, the book helps teams harmoniously work together and support each other in activating their WOWW! Factor.

Using a faith –based approach, Companion Guide adds the power of scriptures along with THREE additional Power Tools to ensure  WOWW!Factor success.  If you are not a faith-based person, use the guide anyway. Read the scripture as you would a normal piece of inspirational text.  The intent is that you feel love no matter what walk of life you come from for we all deserve to achieve our WOWW!Factor. 

One need only look online to find a myriad of self-help books for weight loss and companies touting fast-track strategies to lose weight. Pia Fitzgerald has created a life-changing process (not a quick fix) that if followed, will lead to a sustained lifestyle of wellness and I believe, happiness. Her approach is holistic and faith-based. She is fearless as she introduces her power tools and challenges participants to pray, laugh, discuss, play, reflect and remain accountable throughout this journey. Her approach is vibrant, energetic, supportive, collaborative and can thrive in a global virtually connected community.
— Mary Rauchenstein, Principal/Chief Encouragement Officer, Leadership Edge Solutions, LLC

Meet Pia Fitzgerald

Pia served in education for over 20 years in a variety of roles: high school English teacher, adjunct college instructor, and college administrator. While in education, she functioned part-time in the fitness industry as an assistant track coach, drill team coach, and group fitness instructor.

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