Courage Required for WOWW!Factor
By Pia Fitzgerald: The Wellness Tactician
Why should I make courage count when it comes to working on my wellness wish?
Choosing to exercise courage is the part of the WORK required to live a healthy, peaceful, and abundant life of wellness. An absence of these things in ANY facet of your life suggests courage is not reigning and that maybe fear is king.
Consider the following:
It takes courage to go home at 5:00 PM (or whenever the workday ends), especially when your exercise class begins at 6:00.
It takes courage to ask your friends to do something social that supports the vision for your body.
It takes courage to turn your phone off for an hour and just BE with yourself.
It takes courage to redirect your spending and especially if it’s fulfilling an emotional void.
It takes courage to take a rest and rejuvenation day.
It takes courage to push past perceived obstacles to losing weight.
It takes courage to envision your new HEALTHY body and NOT worry about what others might think.
It takes courage to throw away the distorted view of a healthy body and not rely on euphemisms designed to justify NOT doing the work required.
It takes courage to love yourself UNCONDITIONALLY and to allow yourself to receive every GREAT thing with your name on it!
All of these things help you achieve your WOWW!Factor and exercising them consistently strengthens the courage muscle to truly live well.
Steps to strengthening your courage muscle:
Make a declaration to do an act of courage, no matter how big or small, DAILY for 21 days and ACTUALLY do it. Comment on this blog with your declaration and name below (there is power in the both the written and spoken word).
Complete the wellness wheel to see WHERE you need to focus your attention when it comes to courage.
Celebrate each time you do something courageous.
Journal your experiences and lessons.
Sign up to purchase the soon to be released book: WOWW! I CAN Lose Weight.
Expect GREAT things!
Share on Instagram your feats with --#wowwfactorwoman AND share in the comments below.
Believe the following will happen when you participate:
You will become stronger, more resilient.
You will walk with more confidence, poise, and grace.
You will finally complete unfinished business.
You will inspire many others.
You will have more energy, excitement and zeal for life.
YOU WILL GO TO THE NEXT LEVEL!! And we join you there in celebration!!
Make courage count and WIN! You deserve victory!
Sample act of Courage: You are NOT intentional about having fun. The act of courage may be to do something fun or wild and fun this weekend.
Wellness Wheel
Need to know what area of your life to exercise more courage? Complete the wellness wheel (originated by Dr. Bill Hettler) to assess and prioritize. Using colored pencils, crayon or marker (if available), complete the wellness wheel by shading in the pie slices based upon level of satisfaction. The further out to the edge of the pie, the more satisfied you are with the area. Your least shaded slices are where you need to exercise more courage.