Two Simple Words Sabotaging Your Weight Loss Goal
By Pia Fitzgerald: The Wellness Tactician
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When it comes to activating your WOWW!Factor and doing what’s required to work on your wellness wish, there are many times you don’t FEEL like doing the work. You say things to justify not doing something; or, at worst, do precious little to present the illusion you are on the right track.
I get it! I get it! I get it and have been guilty of gently going down this path myself.
You see its the precious little work that I want to focus on for today—the precious little work that is often supported by two words: “at least.”
1. Let me at least work out for 20 minutes…
2. Let me at least say hello…
3. Let me at least get $5.00 back…
4. Let me at least drink my water…
Say the following out loud:
At Least
Say it again.
How do you feel as you say it? How do you feel after saying it? Do you feel empowered? Does it inspire you? Does it elevate you? Does it prime you to accomplish much?
Does it make you feel limited? Disempowered? Fill in the blank ________________________
Think about how many times YOU use the term “at least”, especially when it came to doing something that would drive you closer to accomplishing a goal.
Allow me to share a personal experience.
A few weeks ago, I was in the process of selling a valuable piece of like new furniture. I had begun this mental chatter of offering the person a discount even before they ever asked for one. In fact, I said to myself: “If I can at least get $55.00 for the piece, I will be content.”
Can you see the red flags?
· Valuable piece of furniture
· Mental Chatter
· No one asked for a discount
· At least
· Content
If I knew the value of what I had, why was I willing to take the “at least” route?
Why did doubt what I could get for the piece and opt to create a safe outcome (that hadn’t even occurred yet)?
Why did I believe it was okay to rest on being content, especially when I had a financial goal to meet?
It was as if I lowered my value and was thankful the person at least showed up, and I at least owed them for doing that! Yuck!!!!
Guess what happened?
The person never asked for a discount! They paid the asking price and bought another item as well! And to think I was going to lower the price even BEFORE they asked! At least!!!! ARGH!!!
Let me add context to the four “at least” statements mentioned before:
1. Let me at least work out for 20 minutes… when to reach my goal it requires a consistent 40-50-minute routine 4 x per week.
2. Let me at least say hello… when I really don’t care for this person and they don’t even know that I am here. Why lower my vibration to speak to someone who is not healthy to be around?
3. Let me at least get $5.00 back… when the person really owes me $10.00.
4. Let me at least drink my water…as if the water will override my choice to consume empty calories while believing I will reach my weight loss goal for the month.
Look at how “at least” functions in these statements. It’s not the kind of language that supports a belief system that will help successfully activate your WOWW!Factor and achieve your weight loss goals (even if it is emotional, relational or mental weight) .
I made a declaration that “at least” cannot be a part of my language if I want to achieve all that I am supposed to this year. It doesn’t serve me well.
I encourage you to pay attention to the next time you opt to use “at least” and see if it empowers you or not. If you do not find it helpful, then consider removing it from your choice of words this season as well. We have dreams to accomplish and a WOWW!Factor to live out!
WOWW!Factor Activated
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