5 Simple Tips to Prevent Quarantine-related Weight Gain
By Pia Fitzgerald: The Wellness Tactician
Reframe weight goal for this moment; focus on maintaining and not gaining.
a. This new abnormal has caused us to become sedentary as we quarantine.b. Gyms are closed and access to proper instruction and equipment is limited.
c. Grocers are not fully stocked on the basics such as lean meat, egg whites, kale, spinach, etc.d. Conditions to lose weight are no optimum for many, especially women over the age of 40 given hormonal shift and worrying without access to all the necessary supports can lead to additional stress.
2. Strive for the basics—KISS: Keep It Simple, Sugarplum!
a. Maintain “usual” healthy habits such as tracking/monitoring food intake and physical activity, consuming your vitamins, etc.
b. Exercise daily and do not stress if fitness routines do not mirror your normal.
c. Be intentional about drinking water, resting, keeping the empty nutrition options (i.e. the GOODIES) out of the house.
3. Eat a serving of a healthy fat and protein with CARBS. Refrain from eating just carbs.
a. Combining carbs with the healthy fat and protein will lead to satiety and reduce cravings for more CARBS.
b. Carbs are for energy, and you shouldn’t need as much with decreased activity.
c. Strive to eat as much nutrient-dense green veggies daily.
d. Aside from the hormonal release that happens when stressed, starchy and sugary carbs can cause insulin levels to spike and drastically drop, thus contributing to cravings. The more processed the carb (chips, cereal, cookies, etc.), the harder it is to cut the craving, especially if consumed while stressed. Its best to REFRAIN from the quick-fix carbs while stressed. Make the healthier choice.
[Join the WOWW!Factory online membership community to hear the teaching of from one of our medical contributors: Endocrinologist, Dr. E. Christofides to learn more about the impact of our endocrine system and stress and weight management.]
4. Reduce the overall intake of food, especially carbs.
a. Food is fuel and designed to help your body do whatever it needs to do.
b. If you are not lifting weights like normal, you do not need as much protein and carbs as normal.
c. If you are not moving around as much, you do not need as many calories overall. However, this IS not the time to stop eating 3-4 times per day. Stay on schedule but reduce the portions. Keep the body regulated.
5. Kill the Mental Tigers!
When you are stressed, your body responds as if it is being chased by a vicious animal. Living through a pandemic is stress even if you are navigating through it. Your body is unaware the stress is NOT from a source requiring fight or flight. Therefore, it responds accordingly, releasing chemicals that ultimately contribute to weight gain because there was no FIGHT or FLIGHT. In fact, chronic states of stress will keep the weight on, especially after the age of 40.
A. Watch what comes into your ear and eye gates! Limit your consumption of all forms of media, negativity, etc. If it doesn’t make your heart leap, then kick it to the curb with your feet! 😊
B. Stop stressing about the scale NOT going in the direction you want it to go during this abnormal time can be too much for some people.
C. Look for a new daily gem and strive to have fun, even if it is a simple chuckle here and there!
WOWW!Factor Activated!
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