Instant Gratification: Stimulate Five Senses—Relieve Stress
Stress Management: Jill Be Nimble Series
By Pia Fitzgerald: The Wellness Tactician
Do you know what happens when you smell, hear, taste, see, and touch things that bring you joy? Your body experiences a chemical release of one or more of the happy hormones: dopamine, endorphin, oxytocin or serotonin. Gaining clarity on HOW to consistently release these happy hormones makes it easier to overcome negativity (a cornerstone for stress); and, stimulating the five senses is a simple, fun approach.
Here is a glimpse of the happy hormones and how they work.
Figure 1 Modified from Breuning's Habits of a Happy Brain
According to the National Science Foundation, a person has about 12,000 to 60,000 thoughts per day where 80% of those are negative. Each negative thought chemically impacts your body in the form of stress. Counteracting negative thoughts will increase happy hormones, allowing you to feel a sense of peace and hope thus reducing stress. You can counteract negative thoughts by stimulating the five senses with things that make your heart leap.
The following graphic lists the 5 ways you can stimulate your senses and create a release of happy hormones.
DISCLAIMER: Pick what works best for you. EX: If a certain smell garners a negative response, then find a smell that works best for you!
To activate your sense of smell and release happy hormones, use a drop of your favorite essential oil on a cotton ball or several drops in a diffuser. Studies show that the use of essential oils can help relieve tension. My favorite is Litsea Oil/ May Chang which I use to help with creativity. The smell is soft and uplifting and gives an instant boost. There are plenty of essential oils with tons of benefits. Visit for more information on quality, therapeutic grade oils.
1 Dopamine Release-Rewarding Experience
2 Dopamine and maybe even oxytocin, depending on if there is a familial connection to the taste and experience of the meal. Therefore, we often default to comfort foods from the good ole days when stressed out.
I do not support nasty or bland food, even if it is healthy. Refuse to be hoodwinked by the notion that healthy food cannot taste great! Garlic, onions, and fresh herbs (like Rosemary and Basil) can do wonders for a meal. I keep a few Mrs. Dash Medleys and McCormick GrillMates on my shelf for quick and satisfying solutions. Eating food that tastes good AND serves your body well will release the happy hormones and help reduce stress!
3 Dopamine, Oxytocin, Serotonin (Reward, Touch, Accomplishment)
Find something visually stimulating and pleasant to regularly experience (like flowers). In WOWW! I Can Lose Weight, I share the importance of monitoring what enters your eye gate because of its impact on stress levels and weight gain. Flowers are a simple hack for sight stimulation and a release of happy hormones.
On your next grocery run, stop by the floral department to see if they have anything that makes your heart leap. Literally, stop by the floral stand and smell the flowers. Having fresh flowers in the home, especially in a high traffic area, does wonders. It’s like receiving a visual reward and shot of dopamine every time you walk by. What a great, simple solution for combating negative triggers consumed throughout the day. If flowers are not your thing, then find something visually stimulating that makes your heart leap and keep it where you can see at all times.
4. Dopamine, Oxytocin, Serotonin (Reward, Touch, Valued)
If you don’t have a soft, cozy blanket, then find a piece of soft fabric you can touch to heighten that pleasure sensation throughout the day. Maybe it’s a stuffed animal. Take mini breaks to squeeze it (the act of squeezing will relieve tension) or playfully toss the stuffed animal in the air every so often. Engaging in play with something that is a delight to touch is a two-fold approach to relieving tension and releasing those happy hormones. We all know we work better with material that is loving and kind to our skin. This supports why sweatpants and satin pjs are the work-from-home uniform of choice for many people. As a rule, I only use 600-thread count sheets because whatever touches my skin must be kind and gentle 😊. Plus, I want to release those happy hormones as soon as I hit the sack—helps set the stage for a good dream! 😊
5 Dopamine, Oxytocin, Endorphin (if you play a catching game)
Take mini breaks to hear your favorite tune. Maybe do a little shimmy shaking along with it. The more senses you can activate simultaneously, the better. Go outside. Pay attention to what you hear. The birds really do sing a sweet song. Even the rain has a melodic flow. I often enjoy the sounds of the lawnmower if it is not directly under my window😊. It reminds me of my favorite seasons of the year, releasing both dopamine and oxytocin due to its rewarding nature and familial connections associated with the seasons.
Positive conversations will do wonders to raise your vibrations and those happy hormones. WOWW! I CAN Lose Weight! discusses the importance of monitoring what comes into your ear gate because we often underestimate the power negative talk on our bodies. Strive for positive conversations with others. You will not only create a sense of value and respect for yourself (and increase serotonin) but also strengthen bonds of trust while engaging in mutual pursuit of pleasant dialogue.
Strive to laugh. Make hee-heeing and haw-hawing a daily must. It is my personal philosophy to STAY LAUGHING! Even listening to someone else laugh can trigger a release of happy hormones. Depending on the level and source, laughing can release all happy hormones simultaneously.
6 Dopamine, Endorphin, Oxytocin (I feel connected with the humorist and my husband as we laugh together)
You want instant gratification and a quick way to relieve stress? Want to reduce the frequency of relying on a food treat or retail therapy to relieve stress? Want to lose weight while losing weight? Regularly create moments to release the happy hormones. Stimulate your five senses with things that make your heart leap!
WOWW!Factor Activated!
Stay plugged in with WOWW!Factor for more on how to lose weight while losing weight!
We welcome fruitful insight. Leave a comment below!
Breuning, Loretta Graziano. Habits of a Happy Brain: Retrain Your Brain to Boost Your Serotonin, Dopamine, Oxytocin, and Endorphin Levels. New York. Adams Media, 2016.
Hannaford, Carla. Smart Moves: Why Learning is Not All in Your Head. Utah. Great River Books, 2005.
Zull, James E. The Art of Changing the Brain: Enriching the Practice of Teaching by Exploring the Biology of Learning. Virginia. Stylus Publishing, 2002.