Do I REALLY have to Measure and Weigh My Food to Lose Weight?
Eyeballing Your Food VS Measuring & Weighing: Understand when estimating works and when it DOES NOT
Pia Fitzgerald: The Wellness Tactician
Part One
This simple idea will make the difference in your success with losing weight!
Have you ever achieved a major goal such as getting a degree or completing a marathon flying by the seat of your pants? Of course not! You were very intentional about what you did and when you did it and how much it of you did in preparation to achieve the weighty goal. This same intentionality is necessary when it comes to losing weight, especially if you are a woman over the age of 35!
Consider all-natural peanut butter. I cannot tell you how many times someone believes:
A. It is a sufficient primary source for protein
B. They will stay on track with weight loss goal by just grabbing a spoon and just digging in
A is just inaccurate information disguised as a good idea. B, however, is fine if you do not have a weight loss goal and are UNDER the age of 35!!! Here is why:
Look at the first picture.
It looks like everything should be fine as it is a “teaspoon.” NOT! 😊 It is a spoon to use with a teacup perhaps but inappropriate to accurately measure food.
Now look at the second picture.
Here is the actual amount of peanut butter in the “teaspoon.” It measures just over a TABLESPOON!
BEHOLD the breakdown of this eyeballed amount of all-natural peanut butter:
By the way, this shows you that peanut butter is primarily a FAT source and NOT a protein source even though you can get protein from it.
Perhaps you are rolling your eyes, suggesting that I just contradicted myself in the video since the first picture reflects eyeballing your food versus measuring (or flying by the seat of your pants ). While the second picture reflects being clear about the goal , what it takes to achieve it, and a willingness to forgo flying by the seat of the pants to succeed. I hear what your eyes are saying, especially since we are talking about to eyeball or not. 😊 (Hope you weren’t rolling your eyes too much to SEE what I just did .)
Remember EVERYTHING I said in the video.
Go back and review, if necessary.
The key: you may be able to start with the eyeball method but… go back and review video for the rest!
The first picture is fine if you do not have a weight loss goal and are UNDER the age of 35. And, like I said in the video, its okay if you are just getting started and have a lot weight to lose. But…
Say this with me:
To increase my chances of weight loss success, its best NOT to fly by the seat of my pants and be more intentional with measuring and weighing my food.
Stay tuned for part two!
WOWW!Factor Activated
Lose weight while losing weight!
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